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Freemasonry and Corona Virus

Freemasonry and corona virus do not seem like natural bedfellows. We exist to help Lodges find new members and maintain their existing ones.  So firstly, an admission.  We are not a charity, and in fact a very small team who rely on new paid work.  So we do obviously have a vested interest in Freemasonry Lodge websites and continuing to build them for Lodges.  But we should be clear that we also think that this advice is essential for the future of Freemasonry, when things return to normal.

  • Competition for new Freemasons will be increasing.
  • Sadly some Lodges won’t survive the coronas virus crisis.

We expect there to be a significant uptick in men looking for something else in life. We believe whilst it will be tested, community will come to the fore during these difficult times. And that the effect will be more people wishing to do something positive with their lives and to help others.  And to be part of something.  This is exactly what Freemasonry has always offered.

With the suspension of meetings, it has also highlighted the need to maintain contact with members. As this length of the suspension is unknown, there is a risk of Lodge slowing members over the course of the closures.  Maintaining communication, and giving members a reason to communicate, and feel part of something is important.  We can help establish social media communication both internal and external for Lodges.  Having a members area, or lively Facebook page will help you to maintain your members, and are a strong selling point for prospective members.

What To Do About your Lodge website during the COVID-19 pandemic

People have more time on their hands currently than at any previous time in the internet age.  They will be doing a lot of research into things that interest them.  And just like it is very rare to buy a product online the very first time you see it, so is joining a Lodge.  You need to have a consistent, visible message, showing off the best parts of joining your Lodge as opposed to another one.  And the way you do that is by having a website that appears when prospective members Google for Freemasonry in your area.  This is our core purpose, and we have successfully helped more than 100 Lodges to do this.  We have capacity for more.

Don’t wait to update your Log website!

It takes time to build up a good Google presence.  The more content you publish and the better it is, the quicker this will happen, but even so if you are considering it, there is no better time than right now.  Contact us to find out how to start.  We are very pleased to be working with multiple Lodges currently who have decided to either start, or increase their digital presence even durign these difficult times, as we know that those who are active now will benefit when normal life resumes.  You have to buy a ticket to win the lottery. We can help, contact us here

As the main image shows – Internet usage is way up in Italy. This is no surprise, people are at home.  They are researching. The same will be true in all countries.  Let us help you to take advantage for the uptick in internet usage around Freemasonry, and to attract those people to your Lodge.  Source – https://blog.cloudflare.com/on-the-shoulders-of-giants-recent-changes-in-internet-traffic/

How might Corona Virus enable your Freemasonry lodge to Grow?

We can help get your Lodge to feature for searches in your local area targeting potential members who are looking for something else to do with their time

Freemasonry and corona virus internet usage