This was one of the very first Masonic websites we designed, for Certes Lodge 4606. Even though it it was built in 2011 it still looks great. It offers the Lodge the balance they were looking for between tradition and modernity.
The site has been generating 3-4 brand new members for the Lodge every year. The Lodge is now at its highest membership number in all 90 years of it’s existence.
We also set up both Twitter and Facebook for Certes, which gives a complete social media presence.
This is another of our sites with really good Google sitelinks:
See the website here Certes Lodge 4606 (also try it from a mobile device to see how it resizes to fit the screen)
Create from scratch a website for a Lodge of Freemasons based in London. They did not have much content, but wanted to make the site informative, interesting and fun
To attract new members and to share information amongst existing members
Also to be able to simply update the site and include the Twitter feed
Site built on Content ideas supplied by us. We also worked hard on the SEO elements so that despite the relative lack of depth to the site, all of the content worked hard and delivered traffic.
Traffic has grown to exponentially each month since launch. The Lodge has attracted several new members and many enquiries. New content is easy to create, and therefore the site is often updated (note that this is important for a site to rank well in Google Search results).
More and more lodges are creating websites which is increasing the competition, you need to maximise the impact of your site. If it is hard work or impossible to read, all of that effort in creating it is wasted. Unfortunately a lot of existing Fremason sites are old fashioned. Whilst this on the surface is not a problem, it creates three main problems:
- It makes them hard to update, often requiring outside help to even add a simple news story.
- Also many older sites are built on software that doesn’t generate strong search results. In other words it isn’t optimised for Google like WordPress is.
- Finally around 50% (and rising) of all traffic to sites now coming from mobile sources (mobile phones, iPads and other tablets) and your site needs to be legible on smaller screens. If you are attempting to attract new members, they need to be able to read your website.
Wouldn’t you rather be able to update it yourself like the Certes members?