Modern Freemasonry and the need for a website
- We have heard it asked a few times “why do lodges need a website?” Modern freemasonry is essential in a world that is so technologically advanced. These days people search for information on something before they act. If someone is looking for Freemasonry in your area and you don’t have a website you can be sure that they will happen upon another Lodge that does. This is why your Lodge needs a website
- Younger prospective members in particular expect organisations to have an internet presence. They also will be looking on social media, particularly Twitter, to see how active you are. We can help, Certes Lodge on Twitter had 461 followers at the last count, is growing rapidly online and is attracting new members regularly.
- Keep in touch with your existing members, and share information easily
- Why not show off some of your history, your Temple, your Festive Boards?
- We can create a secure members only area if you wish
- So, if you are convinced as to why do Lodges need a website, or you have any more questions about helping Lodge move into the World of modern freemasonry – Get in touch by contacting us
1. Spreading the word…
Books and films such as the “Da Vinci Code” and “The Lost Symbol” have contributed to the public interest in freemasonry never being higher. However, freemasonry is still regarded by many with suspicion and many myths about our fraternity still prevail.
Having a website will help people in your local community understand what freemasonry is really all about, what you do for the community as a whole, and the requirements and benefits of membership.
2. What’s going on?
Having up-to-date information on what your lodge or chapter is currently doing, keep both your members and your local community in touch with your latest news and events. This can increase interest and awareness in your charity appeals, fund-raising, and social activities. Lapsed members will see that your lodge or chapter is still very much alive, and might prompt them to get more involved.
It has often been said that visiting is the life-blood of freemasonry. Letting members of other lodges and chapters know when degrees are being performed can encourage visitation; both from the members of nearby lodges/chapters, or simply by brothers or companions that are visiting your area.
3. Helping yourselves and the community…
Many lodges and chapters have their own social clubs or halls for hire. In addition to advertising social or charity events you may be undertaking, a website can be a convinient way of members of your community getting in touch with you regarding hall hire, or any queries regarding your events.
Increasing awareness of any events or hall-hire can help to increase your income, and support the up-keep of your premises.
4. Why do Lodges chose MasonicWebsite?
There are a number of steps you would normally go through to get a website:
- Registering your domain : This is where you buy an domain name, which is the address you enter into your browser to see your website. Prices are typically around £10 for two years. Make sure you buy the right type though.
- Buying hosting : This is the “space” where your website will live, think of it like an empty plot of land. Typical prices are around £4 per month.
- Building your website : This entails creating the HTML code, CSS styles and images required for your website. Think of this as actually building the house on your plot of land. This is generally an on-going process, and will require web-design skills. Web design agencies typically charge £2,500+
- Maintaining your website : Every time you want to add something to your website, you’ll need to edit your HTML code and upload it to your website.
- Keep your plug ins an security up to date
Of course, you’re free to go down this route if you want, but ask yourselves the following:
- Do you have the necessary web-design skills to create and maintain your website?
- Will your web-designer always be available to maintain your website for you?
- If your web-designer has control of your website, what happens when they’re not available?
Or you could let MasonicWebsite do it all for you
Our frequently asked questions has more information, please contact us for your free draft website