
What happens at a Freemason meeting?

What happens at a Freemason meeting?

We recently built a lovely new website for Strawberry Hill Lodge No. 946 based in Twickenham London whcih got us thinking about how best to inform non-Freemasons .

We think it looks great, clean, modern and of course perfect on mobile. The Lodge wanted a list of all the pages at the bottom of the site, which while not for everyone, we achieved that aim for them.

See the whole site here

One of the things that this site does really well is succinctly answer a very common question.  (Just check Google for how often this is asked). So by answering it, but without giving too much away, Strawberry Hill Lodge will be attracting potential new members who click on their answer see the FAQ section on their site.

Sure you can Google what happens at a Freemason meeting, but surely you don’t want all of the surprise to be taken away do you? Plus, how do you know it is truthful.  If you are in SW London, we can thoroughly recommend speaking to our new friends at Strawberry Hill Lodge No. 946 to find out!

Contact Masonic Website for information on how we can help your Lodge attract new members – We work internationally, see our portfolio on the above navigation menu

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