Why Use WordPress for your Masonic Lodge Website

We use WordPress for all sites we build, and WordPress.com for many of the websites we use because we love its security, and it has the right level of tools and abilities for the requirements of our clients.

Plus it is fast.  And fast is good.  Google loves fast.  The faster your site, the better it will show in search results, meaning more views which means more potential members.  Which is why our clients work with us in the first place.

More on this here – https://www.velocityconsultancy.com/why-website-speed-is-important/

site speed is a ranking factor is that it is, first and foremost, a sign of quality user experience. A fast site speed will result in a better user experience, while a slow site speed will result in a poor user experience.

To attract new members to their Lodge.  If you re interested in finding new members, then drop us a line today, obligation free.

But don’t just take our word for WordPress.com being fast – Read this – https://wordpress.com/blog/2021/06/08/fastest-wordpress-host-2021/

Review Signal has published its WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks, and 2021’s results are in.

We’re happy to report that not only did WordPress.com earn Top Tier status once again, but we were proven to be the fastest WordPress host in any pricing tier.

Perfect uptime


Backups – WordPress.com takes care of all backups for you. In their own words:

“ If a very large meteor were to hit all the WordPress.com servers and destroy them beyond repair, all of your data would still be safe and we could have your blog online within a couple of days (after the meteor situation died down, of course)”

2. Availability – WordPress.com is spread across hundreds of servers. The likelihood of all them failing at the same time is highly unlikely. This is not the case with your self-hosted WordPress.org installation. If it fails, all your blogs hosted on that server fail with it.

3. Security – WordPress.com manages security for you and also provide fixes for any security issues that may turn up. Given the spate of recent WordPress hacks this is a critical issue. This more than anything would give someone a reason to move to WordPress.com.

Thats why we use WordPress